Septic tank
What is a septic tank?
It is a sanitary installation recommended for those human settlements far from any centralised municipal sewer facilities. In such cases a septic tank is the most affordable and environmentally friendly way to deal with household wastewaters. Septic tanks assure minimal but critical treatment to the incoming wastewater, removing most of the suspended solids and some of the chemical contaminants that are prone to microbial decomposition. Nevertheless, TRIPLAST does not recommend infiltration of these waters into the ground and/or groundwater, as some of the contaminants might still be present.

How does it work?
A septic tank comprises of at least two chambers divided by a wall, but can be made of many compartments, depending on the number or habitants that are connected to this installation. The first chamber assures separation and gravitational settling of the solid matters, with some minimal microbial activity to treat the contaminants. The second chamber allows a secondary settlement and further purification of the water.

One can find various sizes and setups for septic tanks, ranging from 2 to 50 P.E. Please see the range below. For any other information please contact us.